Our Story
A Note From Our Founder
Tamara Wellons
A note from our founder:
For the past eight years, I have been singing in hospitals, cancer centers and for palliative care rendering music for those in need of relief, stress relief and healing. This past year, singing in public or private healthcare spaces came to a halt due to the world pandemic. We had to separate and isolate during a time when we needed each other the most.
I wanted to find a way to use my voice to connect with others that would be just as intimate and personal as those moments in the room with those who needed care. When I entered hospital rooms, many people not only moved by the singing, but moved that someone thought of them to send such a treasure- a live singer to their room. They remarked about how wonderful it was to be acknowledged by people and organizations who care about your healing and your well-being.
I hope that healing grams will bridge a gap between the world of music and wellness through acts of care, acknowledgement, appreciation and uplifting acts of kindness.